At Risk for a suicide attempt?
Risk factors are characteristics that make it more likely that someone will consider, attempt, or die by suicide. They can’t cause or predict a suicide attempt, but they are important to be aware of.
– Or –
Displaying symptoms of an imminent suicide attempt?
Symptoms are actions that someone may begin to do when they have decided they will end their life. They can be important warning signs to ask for help.
What are the risk factors?
- Mental disorders, particularly mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and certain personality disorders
- Alcohol and other substance use disorders
- Hopelessness
- Impulsive and/or aggressive tendencies
- History of trauma or abuse
- Major physical illnesses
- Previous suicide attempt(s)
- Family history of suicide
- Job or financial loss
- Loss of relationship(s)
- Easy access to lethal means
- Local clusters of suicide
- Lack of social support and sense of isolation
- Stigma associated with asking for help
- Lack of healthcare, especially mental health and substance abuse treatment
- Cultural and religious beliefs, such as the belief that suicide is a noble resolution of a personal dilemma
- Exposure to others who have died by suicide (in real life or via the media and Internet)
Mental disorders, particularly mood disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and certain personality disorders
Alcohol and other substance use disorders
Impulsive and/or aggressive tendencies
History of trauma or abuse
Major physical illnesses
Previous suicide attempt(s)
Family history of suicide
Job or financial loss
Loss of relationship(s)
Easy access to lethal means
Lack of healthcare, especially mental health and substance abuse treatment
Local clusters of suicide
Stigma associated with asking for help
Exposure to others who have died by suicide (in real life or via the media and Internet)
Lack of social support and sense of isolation
Cultural and religious beliefs, such as the belief that suicide is a noble resolution of a personal dilemma
What are the symptoms of an impending suicide attempt?
- Talking about wanting to die or kill themself
- Looking for a way to commit suicide, like searching online or buying a dangerous weapon
- Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
- Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
- Talking about being a burden to others
- Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
- Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly
- Sleeping too little or too much
- Withdrawing or isolating themselves
- Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
- Extreme mood swings
Talking about wanting to die or to kill themselves
Looking for a way to kill themselves, like searching online or buying a dangerous weapon
Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live
Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain
Talking about being a burden to others
Increasing the use of alcohol or drugs
Acting anxious or agitated; behaving recklessly
Sleeping too little or too much
Withdrawing or isolating themselves
Showing rage or talking about seeking revenge
Extreme mood swings
What can I do?
- Remain calm, nonjudgmental and listen
- Ask directly about suicide plans
- Focus on your concern for their well-being
- Avoid making accusations – do not use the word “stupid”
- Reassure them that there is help, they are not alone
- Provide constant supervision
- Do not leave a youth alone
- Remove ALL means of self-harm
- Take all threats seriously
- Utilize school counselors and community organizations
- Get help immediately! principal, counselors, etc.